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✏️ Journal #4 Discussion

As discussed in the Journaling at Epicodus lesson, each weekend you'll receive a journaling assignment in addition to your coding homework. You'll then discuss your responses with a partner at the beginning of the next class session.

Journal Discussion

This Section's Prompt

You were asked to write responses to the following in your journal over the weekend, as detailed in the Journal #4 prompt:

  • When, like all developers, you encounter a problem you can't immediately solve, what's your internal reaction? Is it along the lines of "Oh, I'm not smart enough for this.", more like "Okay, I just need to learn more.", or something else?
  • Be honest, what do you value and praise yourself for more? Innately/already knowing how to solve a problem? Or being able to stick with it, research, troubleshoot, and learn more to debug?
  • Based on your answers to questions above, do you think you have a growth mindset? Why or why not?
  • If you don't currently have a growth mindset, identify what you could do differently to begin fostering one. Or, if you already think you do, what could you to do maximize it?

Discussion Questions

Before beginning programming work, discuss what you recorded in your journal with your partner using the following questions as a guide:

  • Did you determine whether you each had a growth mindset? Why or why not?

  • How do you think having a growth mindset leads to increased success, especially in a notoriously-tricky field like programming?

  • What did you identify as ways to foster or increase your own growth mindset? Share ideas, and determine how you'll keep each other accountable to your plans while programming together today.