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📓 Daily Schedule for All Students

In this lesson, we detail what the typical daily schedule for students usually looks like. We hope this familiarizes you with the flow of class. However, please note that instructors may vary from the schedules below at their discretion. This schedule also doesn't account for special orientation meetings that happen during the first weeks of class. Information you receive from instructors via Scrum meetings, Discord, or elsewhere always takes precedence over the schedule here.

A Typical Class Day​

Full-Time Students​

8:00 am. Log onto Discord or arrive on campus. Log into your attendance, find your dev team, find a pair, and look over the lessons for the day.

8:15 am. Your Dev Team Scrum meeting begins. Make sure that everyone is present and connected (if online) before getting started. If you haven't found a pair, find one during your Dev Team Scrum. Everyone in the group will take a moment to answer each of the following:

  1. What did you work on in the previous class session or over the weekend?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. What blocks are you facing? Is anything standing in your way?

8:30 am. Your Cohort Scrum meeting begins. This meeting is led by your instructor and includes your entire cohort. If you are online, your instructor will share the meeting link for Scrum with you. It may take a little time to enter the video call as instructors get set up. If you are in person, your instructor will call you to join Scrum. Scrum often includes important announcements and instructions as well as discussion about key concepts, so it's important to attend.

9:00 am. Start pair programming for the morning

12:00 pm. Break for lunch. Get away from your computer, eat some food, rest your eyes, and go outside if possible. There may occasionally be lunch speakers. Attendance is optional for lunch presentations.

1:00 pm. Continue coding with your pair.

4:30 pm The day will end with a retrospective in your dev team. Use this time to show what you worked on, discuss your struggles, give a shout-out, talk what you want to do better tomorrow, share what you enjoyed the most, and so on.

Part-Time Day-time (mornings) Students​

7:45 am. Log onto Discord or arrive on campus. Log into your attendance, find your dev team, find a pair, and look over the lessons for the day.

8:00 am. Your Dev Team Scrum meeting begins. Make sure that everyone is present and connected (if online) before getting started. If you haven't found a pair, find one during your Dev Team Scrum. Everyone in the group will take a moment to answer each of the following:

  1. What did you work on in the previous class session or over the weekend?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. What blocks are you facing? Is anything standing in your way?

8:15 am. Your Cohort Scrum meeting begins. This meeting is led by your instructor and includes your entire cohort. If you are online, your instructor will share the meeting link for Scrum with you. It may take a little time to enter the video call as instructors get set up. If you are in person, your instructor will call you to join Scrum. Scrum often includes important announcements and instructions as well as discussion about key concepts, so it's important to attend.

8:30 am. Start pair programming for the evening

11:40 am. The class will end with a retrospective in your dev team. Use this time to show what you worked on, discuss your struggles, give a shout-out, talk what you want to do better tomorrow, share what you enjoyed the most, and so on.

Part-Time Day-time (afternoons) Students​

12:45 pm. Log onto Discord or arrive on campus. Log into your attendance, find your dev team, find a pair, and look over the lessons for the day.

1:00 pm. Your Dev Team Scrum meeting begins. Make sure that everyone is present and connected (if online) before getting started. If you haven't found a pair, find one during your Dev Team Scrum. Everyone in the group will take a moment to answer each of the following:

  1. What did you work on in the previous class session or over the weekend?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. What blocks are you facing? Is anything standing in your way?

1:15 pm. Your Cohort Scrum meeting begins. This meeting is led by your instructor and includes your entire cohort. If you are online, your instructor will share the meeting link for Scrum with you. It may take a little time to enter the video call as instructors get set up. If you are in person, your instructor will call you to join Scrum. Scrum often includes important announcements and instructions as well as discussion about key concepts, so it's important to attend.

1:30 pm. Start pair programming for the evening

4:40 pm. The class will end with a retrospective in your dev team. Use this time to show what you worked on, discuss your struggles, give a shout-out, talk what you want to do better tomorrow, share what you enjoyed the most, and so on.

Part-Time Evening Students — Sundays​

9:00 am. Log onto Discord or arrive on campus. Log into your attendance, find your dev team, find a pair, and look over the lessons for the day.

9:15 am. Your Dev Team Scrum meeting begins. Make sure that everyone is present and connected (if online) before getting started. If you haven't found a pair, find one during your Dev Team Scrum. Everyone in the group will take a moment to answer each of the following:

  1. What did you work on in the previous class session or over the weekend?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. What blocks are you facing? Is anything standing in your way?

9:30 am. Your Cohort Scrum meeting begins. This meeting is led by your instructor and includes your entire cohort. If you are online, your instructor will share the meeting link for Scrum with you. It may take a little time to enter the video call as instructors get set up. If you are in person, your instructor will call you to join Scrum. Scrum often includes important announcements and instructions as well as discussion about key concepts, so it's important to attend.

10:15 am. Start pair programming for the morning

1:00 pm. Break for lunch. Get away from your computer, eat some food, rest your eyes, and go outside if possible. There may occasionally be lunch speakers. Attendance is optional for lunch presentations.

2:00 pm. Continue coding with your pair.

4:30 pm The day will end with a half hour retrospective in your dev team. Use this time to show what you worked on, discuss your struggles, give a shout-out, talk what you want to do better tomorrow, share what you enjoyed the most, and so on.

Part-Time Evening Students — Weekdays​

5:45 pm. Log onto Discord or arrive on campus. Log into your attendance, find your dev team, find a pair, and look over the lessons for the day.

6:00 pm. Your Dev Team Scrum meeting begins. Make sure that everyone is present and connected (if online) before getting started. If you haven't found a pair, find one during your Dev Team Scrum. Everyone in the group will take a moment to answer each of the following:

  1. What did you work on in the previous class session or over the weekend?
  2. What are you working on today?
  3. What blocks are you facing? Is anything standing in your way?

6:15 pm. Your Cohort Scrum meeting begins. This meeting is led by your instructor and includes your entire cohort. If you are online, your instructor will share the meeting link for Scrum with you. It may take a little time to enter the video call as instructors get set up. If you are in person, your instructor will call you to join Scrum. Scrum often includes important announcements and instructions as well as discussion about key concepts, so it's important to attend.

6:30 am. Start pair programming for the evening

8:40 pm. The class will end with a retrospective in your dev team. Use this time to show what you worked on, discuss your struggles, give a shout-out, talk what you want to do better tomorrow, share what you enjoyed the most, and so on.

Independent Projects​

At the end of each course section, you will work on independent projects that covers that section's lessons. This project is required of all students and will be reviewed by instructors. Full-time students do their projects on Fridays. Part-Time students do their projects every other week, over the weekend.

Students must submit their code review projects by the specified deadline.

For more details on code reviews, read the lesson on Independent Projects and Code Reviews.

Recurring Surveys​

When you submit every independent project, you'll be prompted to complete a survey about the course section. At Epicodus, we value student feedback and ask you to share your insight before leaving for the day. The survey is designed to take just a few minutes, so please share your thoughts. Your feedback is instrumental in helping us make the Epicodus experience better for current and future students.