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📓 Tuesday Schedule and Expectations

Welcome to your second day of Epicodus! Hopefully your first day went well — but it's also completely normal if you had to deal with frustrations such as connectivity issues, figuring out how to work with a pair, finding your dev team, and coding issues that may have come up throughout the day. Fortunately, we'll be building on yesterday's concepts further today.

Here is today's schedule and expectations.


Once again, times are approximate.

8:00 – 9:00 am: Orientation Part 2

Epicodus staff will cover other important topics in part 2 of orientation. We'll meet using the same Google Meet link as yesterday.

Remember that you will need to be individually let into the video meeting by Epicodus staff. This typically starts at 8 am and can take some time. So, if you are not able to join the video meeting right away, this is why. Please be patient as Epicodus staff work to let everyone into the meeting and get started.

9:00 am: Join Dev Team

After orientation part 2, you'll join your dev team. You'll have the same dev team for the entire course section. If you are having any issues with members of your dev team, please reach out to an instructor.

9:00 – 9:25 am: Dev Team Scrum

Today there won't be any icebreakers. Instead, you'll follow the everyday process for Dev Team Scrum, which we'll review now.

Except during the very first week of class, you'll begin every class day with a meeting with your dev team. We call this meeting "Dev Team Scrum".

The first thing you should do during your Dev Team Scrum is sign in to the Epicodus attendance system. You should also remind your fellow dev team members to do this as well so that no one forgets!

Next, make sure that everyone is present for the Dev Team Scrum:

  • If you are an online student, this includes conducting a connectivity debugging session. Is everyone able to access the voice channel in Discord? If not, take a few minutes to make sure everyone is taking part. Remember, if you have recurring issues, reach out to an instructor. When everyone is connected, you can start your brief group check-in.
  • If you are studying in person, take the time to make sure that everyone who is in your dev team and present for class is together before start your brief group check-in.

As a reminder, Dev Team Scrum includes a brief group check-in to talk about anything that came up during the last class session — such as things you've learned or things that you find exciting or frustrating. This is also a great time to ask each other questions about any content that you might find confusing. As covered in the lesson about working with a dev team, in about 15 minutes, each student in the dev team should answer these 3 questions:

  • What did you work on in the last class session or over the weekend?
  • What are you working on today?
  • What blocks do you have? What is standing in your way?

Once everyone has had a chance to speak, the last step is to find a pair from within your Dev Team and then begin pair programming. If there is an odd number of people in your dev team, there will be one group of three.

9:25 – 11:40 am: Pair Programming

11:40 – 12:00 pm: End of Day Cohort Scrum

We'll meet briefly before the end of class to talk about how the day went. Cohort Scrum is a time for your instructor(s) to make announcements, cover certain topics from the curriculum, and for you to ask questions. These Scrums can vary in length depending on what needs to be discussed.

If you are having any problems accessing the meeting, reach out to your instructor.

Second Day Expectations

We'll be covering the following key coding concepts today. These concepts will all be required for this section's independent project, and they are concepts you'll be working with throughout the entire program. Don't worry if all these concepts aren't clear by the end of the week — you'll be practicing them over and over not just this week but throughout your time at Epicodus.

We will cover the following concepts and practice them this class session:

  • HyperText Markup Language
  • VS Code Live Server
  • HTML Elements and Indentation
  • Inline Elements and Attributes

You will need to be able to use all of the above concepts for this course section's independent project — and for future independent projects as well. Independent project prompts are released on Friday at the end of the course section and due the following Monday.

Take note: on short weeks, daily expectations change, and you may cover more or less content on a given class day.