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📓 Capstone Sign-Up Reminder

A quick reminder!

Full-time and part-time students will be expected to share their capstone idea on a sign-up board at the start of this course section (React with Redux). Your instructor will share more details on where to sign up and what information to include.

Note, signing up for your capstone doesn't mean that all of the details of your project should be fully developed. However, it does mean that you at least need to know which project idea you are going to work on and be able to describe the scope of the project. The goal is have a project idea picked out before you starting working on your capstone project during the first of your dedicated class time (the React with Redux code review).

If you are still undecided by the sign up deadline, reach out and let your instructor know immediately so you can plan a meeting to chat about it.


More information on the capstone sign-up and proposal can be found in this lesson.

You can review the capstone timeline and deadlines here.

If you need a refresher on what an MVP is, check out Capstone Planning: The Minimum Viable Product.