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📓 Journal #7

You were asked to keep a journal while going through the program. Each weekend you'll receive a brief journaling assignment in addition to your coding homework. (Review the Journaling at Epicodus lesson for a refresher.)

Journal #7 Prompt​

Spend several moments thinking critically about the following questions, and record brief yet honest responses. Include a date or timestamp and a brief summary of the prompt to refer back to later.

Think about accomplishments. Specifically, think about the last time you felt legitimately proud and accomplished. Feeling accomplished is about knowing what you can do, asking yourself (or your team) for the best possible work, then putting in the effort to deliver.

You're about to hit a big milestone in your Epicodus career: developing your first group project. Let's reflect on how we can ensure this section is yet another accomplishment in your journey.

  • What are your goals for this group project? Besides creating a codebase, what do you hope to accomplish? (For example, are you hoping to explore technologies above and beyond what's offered in our curriculum? Practice your project management skills? List anything applicable!)

  • What do you anticipate could potentially stand in your (or your teammates') way to feeling accomplished this section? Consider referring back to previous journal responses. For instance, did you identify yourself as someone that occasionally falls prone to imposter syndrome? Or someone that can become unproductively frustrated by bugs and issues if you don't catch yourself? List anything applicable.

  • How could you increase the feeling of accomplishment experienced with your teammates this section? For each potential roadblock you recorded above, list at least one thing you can do to proactively prevent it from negatively effecting your group project experience.


We'll discuss our responses with our group project teammates at the beginning of our next class. Make sure your responses are recorded before then!